About the person, written in the third-person, so it could get weird
Suddenly, light. David was born an Iowan, and he intends to die one. He calls West Branch his home; it's a small town in the eastern portion of the state, known to most (if known at all) only as the birthplace of former president Herbert Hoover (the Great Depression president - that one). David went to school in this town, made his friends in this town, raises his children in this town... He thinks you may know the lines, "Hey, is this heaven?" "No, it's Iowa."
A middle-class white fella, the fortunate son of capable parents, the second of three boys, growing up on a retired family farm, centered in hundreds of acres of rolling crop land, David should not have wanted for anything in his life. But he did. Who doesn't?
He wanted to spend his days as a paleontologist. Or a marine biologist. Then a treasure hunter. Or a singer. And a math professor. And a biomedical engineer. Or better to be an entrepreneur. But he should do what he loves so get back into theatre and act. But there is no money in that - get back to math. Or business? David has always felt deep value and interest in many things but realized somewhat later in his young-ish life that a thread that's flowed consistently from his quilt-in-progress is writing.
David has a day job, and safely assumes it's likely to be his long-term, financially sound career. Proto-professionally, he is a Subcontracts Program Manager supporting the ongoing development and delivery of advanced air combat training programs to the USG. His twin daughters and son, dogs and cats (his family) depend on his work there, and he likes it, but it's not what he loves.
He has written and spoken and sung and has drawn on the sly for what feels like ever. The moments he has with a pen or song are his nature for whatever reason, whatever it's worth.
A word from the person
I've been writing and dreaming for as long as I've been able, remembering clearly my first creative piece in 2nd grade. This website is the most open and available public sharing I've endeavored in yet.
I don't know what exactly will or could come of it's existence, only that I've needed to share some things for a long while now.
And so here it is. Here I am; sharing with whomever you are, for whatever it's worth.
Hi, David, I’m the FreeGen woman who asked for a copy of your music-as-muse cooking poem. My email is avrilyn64@gmail.com. Thanks! Your site is amazing.